Our Vision
To Train, Equip and Prepare for possibilities
To exalt the Name, Person, Character and Word of our Lord Jesus Christ
To impart the whole counsel of God by consistent teaching of all of God’s word, emphasising the application of the word to our daily lives
To promote a high level of personal holiness, integrity and personal character
To be a church where the five fold ministry and all the gifts of the Holy Spirit manifest and are used in the building up of the body of Christ
To equip the saints and bring them to maturity in faith and a recognition of their own calling and ministry in the Lord
To provide for the necessity of saints such as accommodation for the homeless, feeding the hungry, creating jobs and establishing businesses so as to break the yoke of poverty, since it is the will of God for us to succeed and proper in life
Our Beliefs
To exalt the Name, Person, Character and Word of our Lord Jesus Christ
To impart the whole counsel of God by consistent teaching of all of God’s word, emphasising the application of the word to our daily lives
To promote a high level of personal holiness, integrity and personal character
To be a church where the five fold ministry and all the gifts of the Holy Spirit manifest and are used in the building up of the body of Christ
To equip the saints and bring them to maturity in faith and a recognition of their own calling and ministry in the Lord
To provide for the necessity of saints such as accommodation for the homeless, feeding the hungry, creating jobs and establishing businesses so as to break the yoke of poverty, since it is the will of God for us to succeed and proper in life
And God, Our God, will richly bless you.
Psalmz 67:6b (NLT)
Who We Are
Welcome to Christ’s Disciples Mission International (UK) in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Christ’s Disciples Mission is a prophetic and apostolic ministry, which was specifically raised by God to prepare the way for His second coming and to train, equip and prepare the people for service in the coming Kingdom; thereby building up strong and effective Christians for the work of the mission and evangelism. Under these divine teachings, souls are saved, healed and delivered from all sorts of oppression of the devil.
The bible doctrine on which CDM stands can be found in Acts 2:42-47 “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrines and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayers…..

Our motto is “……for with God, all things are possible”… Mark 10:27b. Our prayer is that as you have come into this house today, you will not go away without being imparted by the word of God and that you too will be a channel of blessing unto others.
We are always here to serve you in whatever your needs and aspirations are.
Remember you are a wonderful instrument in the hands of God.
Remain blessed.
Rev (Dr) Olufemi Odubonojo
General Superintendent
Christ's Disciples Mission International
Christ's Disciples Mission International is a registered Charity
(1003536) and Company limited by guarantee in England.
Church Office: 0207 476 4695
Service Times: Sunday - 08:30am - 10:30am
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